Over 8,000 rare diseases with a wide variety of symptoms exist worldwide. Typically, reaching a diagnosis takes years and a patient may have dozens of contacts in several health care units.
CleverHealth Network’s Rare Diseases project aims to use artificial intelligence to combine patient path analysis, diagnosis codes, and information gathered in the hospitals to find patients who are lost on their patient path before their rare disease is diagnosed. Initially, the emphasis is on diseases that have focused, effective treatments available, and that cause serious complications to the patients, and wasteful use of the health care system if diagnosed late.
Research is part of the eCare for Me development project.
More information
Anja Kajanne, projektipäällikkö, HUS, anja.kajanne[at]hus.fi
Mikko Seppänen, ylilääkäri, HUS, mikko.seppanen[at]hus.fi