Fujitsu builds safe and easy-to-use services for the benefit of people

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Fujitsu is a health care change enabler that is extensively involved in digitalizing our country's health care. It provides comprehensive ICT services and human-centered solutions for well-being service providers. At the heart is the desire to help our customers and the whole well-being sector adapt themselves to meet future requirements.

In Finland, Fujitsu develops smart, human-centered services in collaboration with customers, research institutes and universities, drawing on more than 40 years of experience. This will keep the services in line with changes and help meet the challenges of the future.

What does Fujitsu offer for the health care sector?

Fujitsu's solutions make it easy to use information across organizations and systems. In this way, current patient data is always available to health care professionals. In the CleverHealth Network ecosystem, Fujitsu is involved in connecting the various parties into a more effective whole. As a health care integrator, it is important for Fujitsu to streamline the services delivered to the public, irrespective of their domicile. The solutions meet stringent security requirements and take into account the privacy of individuals.

Fujitsu delivers solutions for information sharing, utilization and security across organizational boundaries. The company also brings a digital workplace environment to health care, which is flexible according to needs and supports community spirit. It also provides comprehensive solutions for capacity management.

And when the customer wants to improve productivity, predictability and customer experience, there are new ways to do this. We also help the health care sector to take advantage of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence.

From regional data services to artificial intelligence tools

The health care megatrend has ushered in rapid and sweeping changes. This requires a new way of thinking, both from businesses and from society. Fujitsu helps with tomorrow's challenges by taking advantage of new technology in a responsible manner and in accordance with sustainable development. A few practical examples of this:

The regional data service Altti provides professionals with an up-to-date snapshot of the health and social services customer’s data in both the public and private sectors.

The use of supercomputers in heart surgery is becoming commonplace. The University of Tokyo and Fujitsu have co-developed a heart simulation that visualizes the movement of the heart at a very detailed level. In the future, the simulation will help in planning surgical procedures and identifying the causes of diseases.

The Fujitsu HIKARI system analyzes peer-group data and provides physicians with material and support services to help mental health patients. San Carlos Hospital in Madrid, in collaboration with Fujitsu, developed an artificial intelligence-based tool with vast amounts of patient data and academic publications integrated into it. The solution, for example, identifies patients' mental health risks with a 95% accuracy, and physicians will instantly receive a comprehensive view of the patient's data in support of decision-making.