Treatment of acute leukemia

Acute leukemia is a life-threatening disease affecting both the patient and the family. Current treatment consists of high-dose chemotherapy and allogeneic transplantation. However, treatment efficacy is often unsatisfactory and patients suffer from adverse effects of intensive therapy. The genetic background of leukemia is heterogenous and thus there is an unmet need for personalized therapies.

CleverHealth Network’s Acute leukemia project utilizes artificial intelligence/machine learning for mining datalakes to discover predictive disease-related biomarkers and related personalized therapies. The ultimate aim is to establish an intelligent dashboard application for clinical and research use.

Research is part of the eCare for Me development project.

More information

Anja Kajanne, projektipäällikkö, HUS, anja.kajanne[at]

Kimmo Porkka, ylilääkäri, professori, HUS, kimmo.porkka[at]